Sunday, June 24, 2007


In times past I have noted, with restrained malice, various and sundry persons exiting a theater prior to the full run of the credits listing has achieved ultimate fruition.

Ok, so I guess that it doesn't really bother me all that much, but it is a valid point. When you watch a movie, especially in a movie theater, you have paid a certain amount of money to experience an entire artistic creation of which the credits are most definitely part. Now, I really don't mind that other people leave a movie theater before the credits are done, or even started for that matter. It's the social norm. Credit roll signals the end of a movie, so it's time to leave.

However, I would like to put out a word for staying 'til the end of the credits and why those who leave early miss out. I will explain. When a movie is created the director and editors spend quite a bit of time establishing the theme and mood that they feel best suits the script. A well designed credit roll follows and extends the mood of the rest of the film so that we, the audience, can sit and reflect on the movie that we just saw. It allows for a sort of catharsis and the music draws us to an emotional conclusion that extends and strengthens the mood and message of the film. Granted, some credit rolls fail in this ultimate goal and instead hurry the exodus of the stadium seating. But I would argue that some films evoke the same effect (Just as a notice you should probably be aware of the difference of affect and effect. If you are not, look it up and this article may do you some good.)

In short, if you leave a movie before the credits finish than you have missed out on a part of an artistic creation and squandered your money.

So next time you go to see a film take the time to watch the whole thing and let the added few moments of film credits fulfill their purpose.


1. If you have children with you as you watch a movie, it may be impossible to enjoy any part of the movie not to mention the credits. Be aware of the type of movie you are intending to watch. Of course, movies made for children often have music that they will enjoy as well but only if you are fine with dancing in the aisles.

2. Some movies with good Credit rolls: Lord Of the Rings: Return of the king; Disney's Aladdin; AI; Spiderman 1

If you find more successful credit rolls, or have some that really hit home with you, please let me know.


Heather said...

Um, Pixar. Almost all of their credit rolls are not only effective in extending the mood, but entertaining as well.

Derrick Duncan said...

Ah, yes. Thank you for the reminder.

Richard Chamberlain said...

Well written. Good point. I sometimes like watching the credit roll, depending on the movie. If I like the music I want to see what it was, if I cannot remember the name of one of the actors, if the location was beautiful or familiar I want to know the location. Also, in X-Men 3 we walked out on the credit roll and missed the "real end" of the movie.

Another good reason to watch the credit roll is because then all the people are usually gone and it is not a mad sheeple stampede trying to get to your car and out of the parking lot.

On the other hand, if you are quick, you can beat everyone and look up the info on IMDB. =)