Saturday, November 25, 2006

Writer's Blog

You know? Like writer's block, but blog instead of block. It's funny. It really is. Not writer's block. Writer's block is not funny at all. Even jokes made about writer's block are not funny. The only reason that this title is funny is because it is a pun, and not a joke.

But writer's block. No. That's just sad. It is people who sit at their desks (or tables, or laptops (if they have enough money for a laptop) or on the back porch, or balcony (if they have enough money for a balcony)) And drink their hot cocoa (or coffee (if they have enough money for cofee)). But I don't have enough money for coffee, nor do I even like coffee. And why am I talking about this when it was in a parenthetical. I mean, you don't talk about things in parentheticals. That's why you put parenthesis around them, to keep them out of the discussion. But here I am talking about my parenthetical and I haven't even put brackets around it. I didn't even put "quotes" around it. But really, finger quotes are an entirely different subject. In that case, I should have put parenthesis around my "quotes". (just imagine me doing the two finger thing right now.)

But, no, writer's block isn't funny. I mean, I have just laid out what may possibly be one of my most beloved pieces, but after the outline...nothing. I didn't have a single idea about how to write it. But that's ok. Writer's block, after all, is only temporary. And mostly what I do to get past it, is write. Or go do something else. But either way, I get something done. But writing is generally the better option. Because I can always go back and edit. And it's better to go back and edit that part when I have a whole lot after that. Because I probably won't need to edit the stuff that comes after, and I'll just be that much ahead. And when the inspiration comes, I will apply it to the rest of the story whether I have applied the edit or not. Because In my mind it has been edited.

So, do we change or mind, or do we edit it?


kickenchica said...

do you ever feel that the best of your writing ability comes to you when you inconviently can't write? like driving in the car and just then the right thing to write comes to you.... I feel your pain.
nice pun btw

Derrick Duncan said...

Actually, yes. I get some of my best thinking done in places that I can't write: shower, running, drivig, etc. That thinking often leads to new ideas...
Incidentally, I have a large pile of cardboard, old reciepts, and other odd scraps of paper with spur of the moment ideas on them.

Richard Chamberlain said...

In some places you could take a mini-recorder with you and just speak your ideas and dictate them later.

Derrick Duncan said...

That's actually not a bad idea...I even think that we have one.

Anonymous said...

It is very a pity to me, I can help nothing to you. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision.