Thursday, July 05, 2007

Breaking up a little piece of cracker makes me feel happy.

Wow, what to say. (Notice that is a statement, not a question though I did think about making it a question.)

My wife is out of town with the kids, and I thought I'd get to sleep, or play, or something. But no. I have to work...actually, that's the reason that I'm not out of town with my wife and kids right now. They went up to spend the fourth of July with some family and left me behind. (oh, incidentally, Happy birthday U.S.A. although I guess you were technically ratified and born on the 3rd we still celebrate the fourth when it was all signed.) I guess it's all for the best though. I'm not as big a fan of fireworks as I once was. In fact, I was glad to stay inside and work last night. Don't get angry at my boss for me. He didn't ask me to work on the evening of the 4th. I just started a new job today, and I wanted to get things finished early so I didn't have to wake up a 4:30 in the morning. I never like waking up at 4:30 in the morning.

So, I'm all alone. I feel bad that I am enjoying the peace and quiet, but I am. I love my family, but I could probably make quite a successful career as a hermit. I guess that's a little weird, because I even like being around other people most of the time. But I just have wanted a break from it all lately. But if I start writing on any of the three new stories that have come into my head I'll probably get over it. Mostly I only want peace and quiet to study, read, write, or play video games...and the last one is really a lot more fun with other people most of the time.

I don't know about you, but I revel in my 'me' time. When I was growing up I would go sit in the bathroom just to get some time to myself usually with a good book. Now, however I have two children who will do what they need to whether I let them in the bathroom or not. I really prefer to have them use the toilet.

But vegging out isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure I can not wash dishes for three days and still only have one plate, one cup, one fork, one knife, and one spoon to clean. But I tend to loose my cool if I stay up late, and that happens more when I'm alone. So, here's my bachelorhood resolution. Tonight I will go to bed at a reasonable hour (before midnight) and tomorrow I will write down some of the ideas that I've been jotting on every available scrap of paper (I bet you never knew that the inside of a triscut box could hold an entire movie concept with bits of dialogue and all.)

Well, I might write something here again before my wife returns to me. If I do, I will probably be just as cynical and out of sorts as I am now, so come see me for what I really am...tired.


kickenchica said...

Rambling when Im tired makes some of my best writing. Its real... p.s. I would hide in my bathroom and read to get some "me" time too.

Heather said...

I hear you on the ME time. I also thrive on it but, understandably, get precious little of it around here.

A season to every purpose under heaven, right?

Richard Chamberlain said...

"Me Time" is important. It is like sleeping, everyone needs it. Everyone also could use some good meditation time every day as well, but with so much to entertain us, meditation has become a thing for monks alone. I like writing when I am tired. My mind seems more open and things just flow. In fact, when I am emotional and tired is an even better combination.