Wednesday, July 11, 2007

There's gotta be something I can call this post.

And for that matter, there's gotta be something I can write here. I know, I'll write about me. That seems to be a suitably narcacistic topic.

First off I have a wonderful brother who has a wonderful wife who just had a wonderful baby. I assume that she's a wonderful baby because she is my niece and that's just what happens to my nieces and nephews they get wonderful (my kids too, but that's a different story for a different day). All kinds of wonderful in fact.

And this brings me to more me. I have a smart kid who suggested that I tell him a story about a spitting watermelon. A spitting watermelon! Imagine that. I did. I wouldn't have if it weren't for my son, but I did. And now I'm writing a story about it. But that's all I can tell you because aside from being egocentric, I am also extremely paranoid about my written works being stolen.

But in sad news about me, my other sister in law had a child who passed away. This probably isn't the best place to bring it up, but, even though my brother and sister-in-law handled the situation well, I had very powerful feelings about the event and I wanted to urge all of you give those that you love a hug because sad things happen to us all.

Enough about me though. Let's talk about you...hello?


kickenchica said...

You could title it "Private Lives" Kinda soap opera(y) I know but when events happen in our lives they get that way. Just be thankful your not famous (yet) or that wouldve been yesterdays news anyway. I am assuming your brother and wife are of same religion as you? So even though the loss of a loved one is difficult the knowing that it isnt forever is comforting. We all need to address issues in different ways and to be able to write them out, get them out is share more!

Richard Chamberlain said...

Hurray for life! Hurray for death! But do not hurry death or hurry life.