Sunday, December 02, 2007

It's Official

So I'm a scrooge. I had a thought the other day. I thought, "What would I do if my house burnt down with everything in it but my family was safe?" Surprisingly, my feelings were almost euphoric. I realized that I would love it if my house burnt down. Sure, it would be hard finding a new place to sleep especially since it's winter, but We wouldn't have anything except the clothes on our bodies. Imagine that. Nothing but the clothes on your back. I was excited. I thought, what can I get rid of? Well, it turns out that I can't get rid of much, since most of it is my wife's, but I'm going through my stuff and giving a lot away.

I'm not doing anything drastic like burning my house down, or giving away my computer. After all, If I didn't have my computer I couldn't blog (and we all know how terrible that would be). But I'm slimming down a little on possessions. Books that I've had sitting on my bookshelf that I will never read..out the door. Clothes that I never wear...gone. Old paperwork that does me no good...hasta la vista. Really the only things that I couldn't replace would be my stories or scripts, but luckily I have them backed up on Google Documents.

I will however keep a core number of books for when my kids start asking or seriously reading.

So that's it, I'm a scrooge. I don't want anything for Christmas.

Except for.....

Monday, November 19, 2007

December Bee

I made a realization. Blogging is fun, but I don't really count it as writing. I started blogging mostly so that I could motivate myself to write. But blogging is not a valid replacement. So I will blog less...that is to say, I'll blog about as much as I have in the last six months. But I hope we all enjoy it. And sometimes I'll blog more. That's when I have time. And at other times I will blog neither more, nor less. But I'll blog. That's for sure. Because, even if it's not writing that will really stretch me, it is still writing...and that's always fun.

Tata for now.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just one of those things

Generally speaking I don't do stream of conciousness. It's not usually all that fun to read. But it is fun to write when you just want to get something out. I haven't written anything for a while, and since I'm so busy I have a lot that builds up in my head. So, here goes:

First a Haiku though.

If I put my pen
tip down onto the paper
something will come out.

A dog bark. A leaf blows past the window. The wind rushes.

Half cleaned decorations littering corners of the room.

Automobiles taking countless people places they shouldn't be. They don't need to be. Or do they? Is the world a better place for their existence? I'd like to think so. Somehow it would verify and make my existence more meaningful.

Auto parts store just around the corner. Car breaks down, go fix it. Ich bin nicht so mude. Ich bin froh. Aber mein kopf sind sehr full. I guess i just need a little breadk. Thank you, paper and pen, for letting me spill my brains for a moment.

Anything. Pavement and tires. Burning rubber some call it. Someplace in Africa the countries have boundaries. I bet the land really isn't these colors we see on the map.

Friday, September 07, 2007

I'm Done!

I'm Done! Well, not really done...actually, yes I am done. But not finished. For the last few months I have been rewriting a play that I wrote Jared Hawthorne: Marriage Counselor to the Stars. I was lucky enough to get someone to produce it at a local level, again. It is a fairly simple script, but rewriting sure causes some big headaches. This is a note to all you other writers out there.

Revising is easy. You go through a script or manuscript and make slight changes to dialogue or actions so that it reads better. It's like editing. It's easy, and sometimes fun because it gives you the false sense that you are actually accomplishing something. I will admit that sometimes near the very very very end of the writing process it's necessary and in those circumstances, useful. However, what we dread and forget often comes in the form of re-writing, not revising. Pages upon pages of manuscript head straight for the trash, and we rewrite them. This is necessary, often painful, and always delightful.

I sat at my computer thinking (or more truthfully away from my computer trying anything and everything to keep me from writing) for nearly a month before jumping in on the rewrite. The problem was this: I didn't know what to change. I knew that I needed a change. I understood that my script had problems that needed addressing. But I didn't know what to toss and what to keep. So I started revising. I walked through the script word by word making slight changes until it hit me. Then I scrolled back about twenty pages and hit delete. It was liberating.

I sat there and completely changed two or three major elements and a whole new story grew. Actually, it is the same story, but it's better. So, now I'm done. I turned in the pages for review and it's time to wait. But I'm not finished. We're never finished until someone prints, buys, produces our work (preferably all three). Such is the lot of writers. And it's wonderful

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I love my job

I just got finished watching a show called The Matchmaker. I must say that I enjoyed it. This is the original play that the show Hello Dolly was based on. It's not a musical, though there was a little bit of music. I watched the play as a part of my Acting class (or Being class as my professor wants to call it). I also got a ticket to go and see the USF production of Twelfth Night. And I didn't have to buy a textbook for this course.

I tell you what. Preparing for shows, rehearsal, tech week, etc. Might be a little bit of hell on earth, but I sure love it. I'm studying how to make art. How great is that? (rhetorical question) Of course there's not much money in it, but that's not what art is for.

I am also studying German. I have a great class on phonetics and pronunciation. I tell you what, phonetics and pronunciation in German is a whole heck of a lot easier than it is in English. At least they follow their rules.

So, I'm studying to teach. Share knowledge with others so that they can get beyond me because they have a foot up. And I will be teaching two subjects that increase communication and awareness in the world. And on top of that, I like both subjects and teaching.

I love my job.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Ima Writerer

Ok, I'm kind of ecstatic right now. I just finished writing my first novel. Well, I guess it's not really a novel, more like a juvenile fiction novel (and the rough draft at that), but it's 19,500 words. I thought about pushing it to 20,000 but I just wasn't up to it yet. I still might, but if I do I don't want it to be just a push for words. It's only a rough draft, so it could go up or down by a couple kilos pretty easy (I'm pretty sure I'll completely cut chapter five because it pulls away from the feeling, point, and plot of the whole thing.).

In other news, My wife read my blog and said, "you sound kind of angsty when you write your blog." She might be right.

On a side note, that's something that I learned in German class. "Das mag wahr sein." It means "that might be true". My german teacher said that this is an invaluable phrase to married people. That's true. Not just the words, because saying something like this without meaning it can lead to all sorts of trouble. But it's true that you should always be open to the fact that your spouse may be correct.

So now I just want to tell you how wonderful it is to be married for five years. Five years and three kids. It's been hard. It's been fights. And most of all, it's been great.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Title Here

The other day it rained like the dickens here. I don't know exactly what that phrase means, but if the dickens rains a lot, then that's what it did here.

It was pretty amazing. I mean I do live in Utah, which pretty much means that I live in a desert (That may not be true for 100% of the state, but at least 75% and if not that, then at least the part where I live.). So, what happens when it rains like crazy in the desert? Warm rain, and Flash floods. Fortunately no one was hurt because there weren't any real floods, but the water on the sides of the road got going fast enough past my apartment complex to sweep my four year old son off his feet. I tell you what, sometimes I am extra grateful for having quick reflexes.

So I was driving home from work and I thought to myself, "I loved playing in the rain when I was a kid. I bet my wife won't tell the kids to go play outside in the rain, so I guess it's up to me." And it was. The very kidness of my kids was at stake here. I mean playing in the gutter and the rain was pivotal in my childhood experiences (That may explain a few things about me). So I called my wife on our handy dandy notebook (Oh wait, that's Blue's Clues) I mean my handy dandy cell phone and told her to get the kids ready to play outside in the rain. I meant shorts, a t-shirt, and some boots, but she thought double layers, rain boots, and a rain hat. She was probably right.

So, I got home and brought my kids out. Oh, it was great (besides the little kid being swept away in the current thing). After the rain slowed down I let them back in the water and we had a grand old time. I've even got pictures somewhere. Maybe I'll post them someday. My kids have played in the swimming pool, sprinklers, a fountain at a park, but I think that this was the first time they've ever experienced playing in the rain. I enjoyed watching them, and they completely enjoyed getting all of their clothes completely soaked, and then they had a bath after. Talk about a great life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What's the difference between a red head and a terrorist?

So, today I had an epiphany. It seems that I've been working too hard at the wrong things. You see, I am in the lower middle upper class. That is to say, I'm in the upper part of the middle of the lower class according to my income. Maybe even the lower middle middle class. And while I am in school, I can't work as much as I need to meet all my and my family's needs. Because of that, I am eligible for grants and other aid from the government. I'm fine with that, because I plan to make enough when I graduate to help pay other people's way through college. But here's the rub.

I thought to myself, "If I write and sell one of my scripts I will get just enough money to not qualify for the help we're getting, but I won't have a steady job (it takes a long while to get a steady job writing, and payment usually comes in lump sums from what I hear.) That means that I won't be able to survive on what I do make so I'd better just not write because I want to stay in my current financial situation until I graduate from college and begin earning money in my steady teaching job."

I know, it's a mouthful. But I really said all that to myself. And I condensed it here.

Isn't it silly. I decided that it was worth it to hold myself back. Now if that isn't a load of bull, then I don't know what is. Trying to make less money. I haven't even submitted a script yet, no less should I be worrying about how much money I don't want to make. If I get booted out of the 'poverty' tax bracket because I earn some money, then I'll just need to write something else so I can earn more money. I mean I understand taking the aid as I need it in school, but holding myself back so that I don't advance because of it...I was looking for the life of ease that we get from being poor. I think that I can do better than that. I can work hard and get my rear out of that spot that it's been so comfortably occupying as of late. Time to be me again and kick in the butt.

Oh, Incidentally, you can negotiate with a terrorist.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Taking a page from Mama Heather

Ok, So I went and took this nerd quiz. Somehow I doubt the statistical validity of the survey, but it was fun. And hey, I discovered that I'm a Drama nerd. Who would have ever thought?

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Drama Nerd

You sure do love the spotlight and probably have a very out-going and loud personality. Or not. That's just a stereotype, of course. Participation in the theatre is something to be very proud of. Whether you have a great voice for musicals, or astounding skills for dramas/comedies; keep up the good work. We need more entertainment these days that isn't television and video games (not that these things are bad, necessarily.)

Literature Nerd
Social Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Anime Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace

Monday, July 16, 2007

Arts and.... well, Family

When I was a liberal arts major I studied German and Theatre. Oh, wait, I stil am a liberal arts major. But I also study education so I can teach because...well, I have a family and that seems to be one of the only ways to make money in the liberal arts field. No. Stop. That's not quite true. Plenty of ways to make money exist inthe Liberal arts field. However, most of them require years of no money and trying to get your name known. So I revise my previous statement as follows; Teaching seems to be one of the only ways to make money in the liberal arts directly out of college.

So I have two things to say. And one of them is said. The other one remains to be said. And I don't even know if I'll say it.

I traveled three.5 hours two ways (that's about 7 hours just so you know) to get to a family outing on Saturday. I tell you, it's a good thing that my family is freakin' awesome, or I really would have rued the trip. As it is now, I'm just still trying to recover. Water fights and picnics and my brother's new iPhone. Lots of fun was had by all.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Have you ever been afraid of success?

(This blog was written in February of this year (2/12/2007). At the time It was much too personal for me to post. I realize now that I don't really fear success, but the same old cliched fear of rejection seeps into my soul. I fear that what I have inside me is not what I think it is. I fear that by abandoning those places and stories inside me I have lost them and can never bring them to light. But what are these fears? They are excuses that keep me from writing. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of loss. These fears, all valid, should not hold us back....anyway, here's the post. Go back and read the title, then the next line down.)

It's an incredible feeling.

Tonight I sat and watched actors who will compete for the Irene Ryan acting award. And they were good. Very good. All of them working, acting, doing what artists do. Creating an emotion, a moment, a feeling that is as real to every member of the audience as if it were happening to them. And as I sat and watched I knew that I am every bit as good as any of them. Then the question came into my mind. Why? Why, if I'm so good, am I not up there driving the audience to an emotional crescendo. Why isn't it me standing there giving a speech about St. Crispin's day? Why aren't I teaching normal happy people what it feels like to hurt, to love, to laugh? And then the answer came to me. I'm scared. For the same reason that this post will probably never see anything but the file folder on my desk. I am scared.

The other day my wife watched me practice for an audition. At the end she said, "I've never seen you that angry before." Why?

Not why hasn't she seen me angry, but why has she never seen me express my emotions like that. Why has she never seen me act? We watch movies and she says, "Where do people come up with ideas like that?" The answer I long to give, the answer that festers deep inside of my heart is simply this; right here. I have worlds inside of me longing to break free. I can express myself through writing. I can write the part of a nation of powerful and interesting people, but I am afraid. What if I succeed?

What will I do if I actually get up there and move someone? What would I do if I wrote something that people loved? They would expect me to do it again. Again! I couldn't live with that. I'm just a quiet guy. But I long for so much more. My wife isn't holding me back. My family isn't holding me back. They don't even know the intensity of creation that boils within my soul. I think, I write, I feel with great power.

But I have written myself a different part. I have written the safe character who cannot take chances. I hide within this character that I have created and I pretend that it's me.

God give me the power to break my mold. Give me the strength to change the world around me. Give me the faith to leap up into that marvelous and inventive river of life that flows through all of creation. God help me to become who I was meant to be.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

There's gotta be something I can call this post.

And for that matter, there's gotta be something I can write here. I know, I'll write about me. That seems to be a suitably narcacistic topic.

First off I have a wonderful brother who has a wonderful wife who just had a wonderful baby. I assume that she's a wonderful baby because she is my niece and that's just what happens to my nieces and nephews they get wonderful (my kids too, but that's a different story for a different day). All kinds of wonderful in fact.

And this brings me to more me. I have a smart kid who suggested that I tell him a story about a spitting watermelon. A spitting watermelon! Imagine that. I did. I wouldn't have if it weren't for my son, but I did. And now I'm writing a story about it. But that's all I can tell you because aside from being egocentric, I am also extremely paranoid about my written works being stolen.

But in sad news about me, my other sister in law had a child who passed away. This probably isn't the best place to bring it up, but, even though my brother and sister-in-law handled the situation well, I had very powerful feelings about the event and I wanted to urge all of you give those that you love a hug because sad things happen to us all.

Enough about me though. Let's talk about you...hello?

Monday, July 09, 2007

I should really get a notebook

So, I was reading an article in either Time, or Newsweek the other day. That other day being a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. I'm counting Monday as an 'other' day even though today is Monday because I read this article quite a few months ago (You know, for some reason I almost put an apostrophe before the s in months to make it plural. Almost in this case means that I did it and then erased it. That's not even close to proper punctuation.). I don't even know for sure if the article I read was in a magazine, but it was an article, and those are the two magazines that I tend to read most when I do read magazines so I feel like I'm safe in referencing them for this article because it is an article that would be in one or both of those magazines. I did however find a similar article on two websites. Here, and Here.

So, the article I read told me to be messy. Now, I'm a pretty neat freak. That means that I'm a neat freak, not that I'm pretty or pretty neat. I guess that the phrase is somewhat misleading. I will probably never use it on accident again.

But I will be messy. Actually, I think that what the article touts most is not becoming obsessed with organization. The saying, "A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind." is true according to this article. But it doesn't say to leave the dishes out gathering mold or leave the toys on the floor so that you trip. The message is a little more practical, at least for me.

One of the biggest things I noticed what the suggestion that filing things away in a file cabinet or drawer could be counter productive to the brain's natural modus operendi. Look at it this way, if you have a stack of notes you may come upon the one you need when you're not thinking about it and because your brain was processing the information you finally solve the problem you didn't even know you were looking for (Corwin from Zelazny's Amber series says it this way, "I usually do my best real thinking when I’m thinking about something else.”) but if you file them away you may never see that note again. Think about the genesis of great discoveries, like penicillin.

I think that I tend to agree to a point. When I get home from a particularly inspirational day I usually have a stack of scrap papers, reciepts, torn up cardboard, and other trash in my pocket because that was the closest piece of paper when I felt the muse strike. I like to leave these notes in a pile, but eventually I go through those notes and organize them or at least make a list about them. Maybe that gives my mind enough time to sort through it all, maybe now.

Speaking of being unorganized, how's this blog go for that category.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Breaking up a little piece of cracker makes me feel happy.

Wow, what to say. (Notice that is a statement, not a question though I did think about making it a question.)

My wife is out of town with the kids, and I thought I'd get to sleep, or play, or something. But no. I have to work...actually, that's the reason that I'm not out of town with my wife and kids right now. They went up to spend the fourth of July with some family and left me behind. (oh, incidentally, Happy birthday U.S.A. although I guess you were technically ratified and born on the 3rd we still celebrate the fourth when it was all signed.) I guess it's all for the best though. I'm not as big a fan of fireworks as I once was. In fact, I was glad to stay inside and work last night. Don't get angry at my boss for me. He didn't ask me to work on the evening of the 4th. I just started a new job today, and I wanted to get things finished early so I didn't have to wake up a 4:30 in the morning. I never like waking up at 4:30 in the morning.

So, I'm all alone. I feel bad that I am enjoying the peace and quiet, but I am. I love my family, but I could probably make quite a successful career as a hermit. I guess that's a little weird, because I even like being around other people most of the time. But I just have wanted a break from it all lately. But if I start writing on any of the three new stories that have come into my head I'll probably get over it. Mostly I only want peace and quiet to study, read, write, or play video games...and the last one is really a lot more fun with other people most of the time.

I don't know about you, but I revel in my 'me' time. When I was growing up I would go sit in the bathroom just to get some time to myself usually with a good book. Now, however I have two children who will do what they need to whether I let them in the bathroom or not. I really prefer to have them use the toilet.

But vegging out isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure I can not wash dishes for three days and still only have one plate, one cup, one fork, one knife, and one spoon to clean. But I tend to loose my cool if I stay up late, and that happens more when I'm alone. So, here's my bachelorhood resolution. Tonight I will go to bed at a reasonable hour (before midnight) and tomorrow I will write down some of the ideas that I've been jotting on every available scrap of paper (I bet you never knew that the inside of a triscut box could hold an entire movie concept with bits of dialogue and all.)

Well, I might write something here again before my wife returns to me. If I do, I will probably be just as cynical and out of sorts as I am now, so come see me for what I really am...tired.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I had a pastrami sandwich for dinner last night, and it wasn't good. What's wrong with the world?

How to write a full length (book, story, novel, screenplay, etc.)

1. Get an idea and write it down. Once you’ve gotten it and it won’t leave you alone, write down every scrap of inspired information you have about this idea. Write in on anything you can find, and write it as fast as you can. You aren’t writing a story. You aren’t even necessarily writing a list. Just put down everything in your head that meshes with this idea. Keep writing until you run out of steam. Generally that should be enough to help you pick back up when you get the nerve up to write again.

2. Organize your idea. Pick out important points that you see happening in your story. An easy way to do this is to follow a basic formula like Freytag’s Pyramid.


-Inciting Incident

-Rising Action / Complications

-Struggles and Growth

-Moment of darkness / Moment of loss / Moment of Recognition


-Falling Action

-Denouement / Resolution

It is not requisite that you use these points to set up, but be aware that by the time you finish your story these points will most likely all be present. It is a story format that closely reflects life, learning, and growth, and so is extremely familiar to the human experience and. So it is sometimes easier to get these points out first since they will most likely be some of the points that you think of first.

3. Write down Key moments or ideas. These are the moments that you see happening in your minds eye. The little girl blowing a dandelion into a wind that carries the seeds into...? The epic battle that rages between two clans who rose from feuding brothers until two families finally destroy themselves with blood. A man who has lived with a woman for twenty years and she just finds out that he...? A poignant scene between two lovers. the funeral on a hillside frozen in time and covered with dust. The rise and fall of a heretical prophet. The rise and fall of a political party. The pain of being a double agent.

These are the moments and ideas that you write for. They may not be the moments that matter when you finish, but they will carry you to the next point.

4. Answer this little question.

Why in the world are you writing this? Why would anyone else be interested in what you want to write?

Here are a couple of possible answers.

a-I’m writing this to make money. The idea is very commercial and it’s been done before so I know people will like it still.

b- I’m writing this because I think that the current (Romantic Comedies, Spy Novels, Horror Flicks, Kids stories, Epic movies, thrillers, etc.) are becoming stagnant, and I think people will appreciate something new.

c. I eat drink and sleep this story, and I think that other people will catch on to my passion and make this a cultural phenomenon.

d. A message trapped for millennia has found out that it can come into this world by means of a writer from our realm. And if I don’t write it, it will force its way through another less good route.

e. (and this is the worst and best of all the answers.) I don’t think anyone will like or even appreciate what I have to say. But I have to say it. I don’t know how to live without telling my story.

5. Write.

6. Write.

7. Write.

8. Get a second opinion.

9. Rewrite.

If it’s not done by now, look at your answer from number 4, then go back and repeat steps 7 - 9.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


In times past I have noted, with restrained malice, various and sundry persons exiting a theater prior to the full run of the credits listing has achieved ultimate fruition.

Ok, so I guess that it doesn't really bother me all that much, but it is a valid point. When you watch a movie, especially in a movie theater, you have paid a certain amount of money to experience an entire artistic creation of which the credits are most definitely part. Now, I really don't mind that other people leave a movie theater before the credits are done, or even started for that matter. It's the social norm. Credit roll signals the end of a movie, so it's time to leave.

However, I would like to put out a word for staying 'til the end of the credits and why those who leave early miss out. I will explain. When a movie is created the director and editors spend quite a bit of time establishing the theme and mood that they feel best suits the script. A well designed credit roll follows and extends the mood of the rest of the film so that we, the audience, can sit and reflect on the movie that we just saw. It allows for a sort of catharsis and the music draws us to an emotional conclusion that extends and strengthens the mood and message of the film. Granted, some credit rolls fail in this ultimate goal and instead hurry the exodus of the stadium seating. But I would argue that some films evoke the same effect (Just as a notice you should probably be aware of the difference of affect and effect. If you are not, look it up and this article may do you some good.)

In short, if you leave a movie before the credits finish than you have missed out on a part of an artistic creation and squandered your money.

So next time you go to see a film take the time to watch the whole thing and let the added few moments of film credits fulfill their purpose.


1. If you have children with you as you watch a movie, it may be impossible to enjoy any part of the movie not to mention the credits. Be aware of the type of movie you are intending to watch. Of course, movies made for children often have music that they will enjoy as well but only if you are fine with dancing in the aisles.

2. Some movies with good Credit rolls: Lord Of the Rings: Return of the king; Disney's Aladdin; AI; Spiderman 1

If you find more successful credit rolls, or have some that really hit home with you, please let me know.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

RMA - 3956630475834-3-05779455-3904675

So, I was a sucker the other day and despite my good judgement I clicked on one of those "fee ipod" or "Free PS3" or "Free waste of money" things. I'm pretty sure that it was one of those things. Now that I think, it may very well have been the last one. It might as well have been for all the good that came of it.

Now I'm not completely naive. I understood that "Free" actually means "Just sign up for a bunch of offers so that we can use the money we get from advertising and suckers who don't understand the system to send the few who actually get through all the paperwork and headache might actually get a free item which is not guaranteed to compensate for the free headaches that are guaranteed." I tell you what. That's a lot of subtext. Whoever wrote that "Free" should be a professional writer maybe making screenplays because saying so much with only one word is a marketable skill.

So, even though I went into the process knowing that I'd perhaps pay $150 in offers I was ok with that because that is still significantly less than I would pay otherwise.

I would like to take a break here to complain about wireless keyboards. Especially wireless keyboards with dead or dying batteries. I would stand to reason that I complain about dead or dying batteries, or using someone else's keyboard when they don't replace the batteries. And if I were truly proactive I might skip the complaining process and just replace the batteries myself....But I'm going to complain. I've never had a wired keyboard drop every third lettr or so that I typed so at it ook twice a long to tye my blog becase I had ogo back and correct all the words wdropped letters. But indubitably ths keyboard has, andis as I typedoing ust that. So, mr. highandmitywireless you don't rule the world yet!

Now back to our feature presentation.

Also, I thought that maybe I would actually get something that I wanted out of the deal signing up with these offers. So, I clicked on the link, and started the offers. And every step of the way I found out new restrictions, limitations, and rules that made for more headaches, and less free. In the end, I would have been paying $4-500 for an item by signing up for offers that I didn't want for sure. (Because I signed up for the ones I did want under an alternative email because I didn't want tons of junk mail coming from the "Free Stuff" site. But then I found out that they track by the e-mail and I couldn't change by that time.) But the whole time I worked feverishly under the direction of our happy friend the green eyed monster because I wanted to have for free something that I couldn't afford. And somewhere deep in my middle section (probably my spleen) I just knew that I was getting a great deal and I was cheating the system because I wasn't actually paying for it but it was legal. (actually, somewhere deep down I knew I was falling for a well contrived plan to rip me off at every turn and to make money off of people who don't know better. Did you know that one ounce of face cream costs $69.00 and you don't even have to worry about asking for more when that small amount is gone because they will conveniently ship you more next month. Don't like spending your money for something you don't want? Don't worry they'll conveniently charge your credit card for you so you don't have to lift a finger to waste your money. They'll do it for you. Don't have enough money? That's ok. we've got a great payment plan with the collections agency of our choice. We don't really expect you to pay anyway so we'll just write off the two or three ounces of cream we sent you because it only cost us $5.00 to manufacture it anyway....maybe I'm exaggerating. Maybe I'm not. Actually I'm not exaggerating. I'm completely making up scenarios. It is however based on my knowledge of how companies generally work (from the company and customer side) and situations that friends and colleagues have found themselves in. I am leaning heavily on the side of the customer though because even though everyone does need to make a living, I think that there are less conniving and sneaky ways to make a living than leeching off the unaware. Its kind of like trying to get a PS3 for free. Greedy, and Just not right.

Luckily, I do read the terms an conditions. So even though I signed up for all this stuff, I knew what was going to happen. Unfortunately, they don't list all of the terms and conditions up front. That means new surprises at every turn. And now, even though I cancel all my trial offers and such, and I accept the fact that I'm not getting a PS3, I'm still out all the s & h charges. (It wouldn't be fair to make them pay for my lack of judgement)

So, I guess I learned my lesson. There's no such thing as a Free lunch. Only "Free" lunches. And we remember the subtext there don't we.

I'll just have to wait until I have enough money. That is after all the honest way to do it....or I'll forget my lesson and click on another ad next year. We'll see. But...Until then.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Blog Flush

Eating shoes and taking names. Junking the Big dog, or Raining on my pinata. Words. Words that fit, and words that fail. Pouring from my pen.

Ink spilling rolling out from the ball point (ball point of my soul I could say) Metal scratching, scribbling, scrawling break me and bear me forth.

I want to tell you a story. Now I realize the weakness inherent in this first line. My wanting something, as a writer, means nothing. Waiting to tell a story means less. If I really wanted to tell the story it would begin and you would know my desire not by my telling, but by your captivation.

There is a picture in my mind's eye. A picture sitting in a constant fluctuating stasis. I spread the paint and the canvas mirrors nothing of my intent. I may sketch or draw a perfect moment, or capture a picture on film. But though I make a masterpiece the piece of my mind still stands alone, untouched, and unreplicated.

The power of words to transfer my mind to yours. A symbol communicated loses power, loses validity, loses life.

For whom then do I write?

Backpack Adventure

Well, I finally got the Internet at my house. It's been a long time coming. I thought that I could last without it, but this summer I'm taking a course online. This also means that I can write my blog on an irregular basis. Wait, I have been writing on an irregular basis. Well, i guess nothing's changed. And so...

Well, on to bigger and better things.

I guess I could tell you about self depreciating jokes. They're just not as funny as they once were. I write about how few people read my blog, or how fat I am, or whatever, and soon I start sounding depressed and I bring other people down, and nobody wants to be around a chatty Nancy, oh wait, I mean a nosy....wait again...fine, I don't know what to call a party pooper without a party. But I do know that self depreciating jokes just detract from any situation. From now on I'll only tell self aggrandizing jokes. Like when I laugh about how I have a body like Kevin Sorbo (huh, who was that guy? Wasn't he on Hercules, wait, he was Hercules.)

So, instead of just acting like the normal old me, I will put on a facade and change that facade whenever the fancy strikes. Crap, that sounds like a self depreciating joke just waiting to happen. Well, I guess one for the old days wouldn't hurt.

So, I guess I could tell you about self depreciating jokes. But it's really a boring lecture, so I'll spare you.


Monday, May 14, 2007

One little, two little....

A recent phenomenon has come to my attention. This world wide web is really world wide. I mean, I've always heard that, but I just figured it was a big hoax.

"Hey have you got the Internet on your computer?"
"Yeah, I picked up one of those AOL cds at wal-mart."
"The whole Internet fits on one cd? Yeah right."
"No, it's true. I put the cd in, and now I've got the whole program. I can even play World of Warcraft. Man artificial intelligence sure has gotten good."

But I guess it's true. The whole Internet couldn't fit on one cd. As odd as it may sound, there actually are many computers around the whole world that hook together in a big electronic database that we call 'the Internet'. That's the only way I can account for the now three replies I have on my blog from people that I don't know. I mean, first there was Kickenchica and I was amazed, but now Victor M and Biby Cletus have joined the vast throng of followers that heretofore I have only imagined. I guess I ought to start thinking about what I write. If anyone could just jump on 'the internet' and read my blog then life could get interesting.

So, from here on out I write only legit, intelligent, coherent posts. Well, maybe not coherent... maybe I'll strike the intelligent too...Aw forget it. I'll just keep writing what I usually do. What's this blog for anyway if not for me to communicate my inane ramblings to my imagined masses of followers? For all you who are listening (or I guess reading) Thank you for letting me pour my mind out onto the screen. It makes me tolerate life a little better.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Really Bad at titles

Let the resounding of my sigh be heard across the world. School has ended. (And I got a 3.8 for the semester. Woohoo!)

At least for the summer. I'm finished with 19 hour days filled with wonderful rehearsals, terrible final projects, and stress inducing finals. At least 'til next fall. As I look at the joy, sense of accomplishment, and release of stress that finishing school brings I can't help but laugh. I am tickled pink (oh but that's a strange colloquialism) when I think about finishing school. It will never happen. In fact, my son has taken to quoting the old "Stay in school!" campaign. He has given it a unique twist though and says, "Stay in School. Don't Graduate!" If only he knew how sadly true that is. I've been in school as long as my older brother. That wouldn't be so bad, except that he's a doctor, and I'm studying to teach high school.

Fortunately though, I will graduate. If everything goes right, I will graduate next spring. But then I will teach in High school. And I will look forward to summers for a break again. So, I will stay in school.

Summers bring a strange mix of emotions though. I feel elated that I have time to write. Then I feel frustrated because I don't. To be fair, I've only been out of school for a week, but still it's there. One of the most difficult things to get accustomed to is my family. For months at a time they rarely see me, and when I'm home I spend time with them. So now that I'm home all the time it's family time all the time. That's not so bad, but in the last week the only 'Me' time I've had was when I stayed up much later than I should have and then I was groggy and sleepy for the next day. I just don't know how to tell my kids, "Daddy can't play right now, I need a minute for myself." And they just think that when I'm home it's playtime. Those darned little devils. They don't know that when we play I get tired. They don't, so why should daddy?

And to top it off, I'm nervously twitching because I'm sure that I have an assignment sitting somewhere and I've forgotten to do it. I just don't know what to do with free time. Luckily by about the end of August I will understand how to live, write, play with my kids, play with my wife, and enjoy some time to myself. I will be in balance, and I'll know how to do it. Then school will start again.

So, as soon as I get the balance I'll take some time for me to write, or work, or breathe. And then I'll be back on here regular. (Sorry, but during school I had to drop something. I thought long and hard about dropping homework, but in the end I decided the blog was the leas important.) Until then...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Remember!! Save to your (F:) drive or your work will be lost.

Ok. The semester is almost over. All I have left are finals, and for the most part they'll be a breeze because most of the classes I take have difficult final projects and more simple final tests. That makes me happy.

Do you want to know what else makes me happy? Now THAT is a silly question, since I am going to give the answer anyway. This just lets me take my time about it. Well the thing that makes me happy is kids. Not just any kids, (though I do enjoy kids in general) but MY kids. That's right MY with the capitals and all. And do you want to know something else that's great. My wife and I just had another one. Ok, Ok. My wife just had another kid. But I helped a little. And now I get to enjoy her. Her being my new daughter (I quite enjoy my wife as well). She's five days old and already she's sleeping five hours at night. Now, I assume that she will quit being so kind as soon as my disbelief fades and I start to become comfortable sleeping all night. But I will enjoy it while I can.

Also, this little girl is amazing. She smiles at me. In fact, she smiled at me before she was fully five minutes out of the womb. It's true. She smiled at me. She still does. I know that baby's don't smile until they've been around a few months, but it happened. Of course, I immediately smiled back. What else could I do. I mean, she's just so darn cute.

But it is a new experience having a daughter. I have two sons who love their little sister immensely, but I can only guess what will happen when they notice that their beautiful little sister has different parts. It will be a great time for answering questions...hmm, I wonder if I should tell them before hand so as to prepare them. I'm all for being straightforward with kids about their bodies, but since we have two boys the subject of girl parts has yet to come up. I mean the oldest is only four years old. Ah well, I guess that we'll end up talking about it eventually.

Speaking of eventually, I have one of those projects I made for my Educational Technology class online. Actually, I don't have the whole project, but I do have a preview. Feel free to take a gander here.

If you do watch it, let me know what you think. Would you watch the video. Incidentally, if you are a member of Mass Pike I used your music in accordance with the fair use rules for education, and please let me know if you want to work something out.

So, that's all for now. I haven't written for a long time, so I just wanted to say 'hi'. I hope you know I still love you all....and again by all, I mean everyone who is reading this post... and by that I mean me.

Love you all. Tata-

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

IDEA Improvement Act

Have you ever felt like a fraud? Sometimes I do. I go to family functions, and I go to parties and people ask me, "What do you do?" I inevitably get around to saying, "I'm a writer."

That's pretty painful for me to say, because I'm not writing. Oh, I write little stories here or there, but what have I really done? However, Saying that I am a writer becomes especially poignant for me when I actually write something. Because when I write the possibilities just jump out at me. I sit down and type out a few words and I can see the end of the story. I can feel the characters begging me to write more. They just want someone to hear them, they just want their story to be told.

And I sit at my computer and I write. I come alive with hope. My mind surges with possibilities. Life seems worthwhile when I'm writing.

And then I stop. I get so involved with school and looking for money so that I can eat that I forget. I forget what it means to write. To truly be alive.

And when I go home to my family I become lethargic and grumpy. I try to share my feelings, but my mouth doesn't work. My fingers know how to talk, but my voice shrinks at the task.

But I show my love to them as much as I can. And then I finally get a chance to write and instead of sleeping, playing a video game, or anything else that I can possible do to avoide it I actually write. And I come alive again. And my family seems more wonderful, and my life feels happier, and even when I struggle to tell a story my finger feel content with the role that we have been called to play in this great story.

I love my family. I take joy in my friends. I bask in the lovely glow of life. I praise the opportunities that my life affords. But when all is said and done: I write!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hunt and Peck

I have a dirty little secret. A confession, if you will. And my confession is this: I didn't even tell my kids about the Easter bunny this year. They don't even know that he exists. No eggs, no hunts, no chocolate. Nothing. My wife did decorate the house, but she always does that so the kids didn't suspect a thing.

I did feel a little bad, so we brought out the movie "Superman Returns" which we bought in a package deal with a "Justice League" cartoon. And I took a few minutes to illuminate the Christ parable in the character of Superman. Which becomes especially poignant in "Superman Returns" what with his death and return, and people calling to him for help every night. He even says that people need a savior. Now you may not think of it that way, and Bryan Singer may not have thought of it that way, but Superman is a "Christ" figure, or a "God" figure if you will. Any story in the traditional sense that we tell revolves around the basic points that mythological stories that have popped up in any given culture. Especially when we make a character superhuman. And I happen to believe that the myth of Christ is a true myth.

You may thing that's an oxymoron, but I assure you it's not. If you don't believe me, look here. Myths don't have a "determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation", but that doesn't mean that a myth can't be true. I guess that for me, then, it would be history.

Speaking of myths, I couldn't really get myself to further the one about the Easter bunny. What is it with eggs and bunnies anyway. I guess they symbolize fertility and it's an especially topical symbol what with spring and all. But so what, bunnies have sex and make more bunnies. They don't lay eggs. Those come from chickens or other fowl. I want my kids to grow up and have families and produce offspring, but I don't need to start them on that kick yet do I? And by the way, if this is a Christian holiday, what does the Easter bunny making more little bunnies have to do with Christ's Resurrection? I think that if we are going to create something to celebrate Superman is much nearer to the reason for the holiday.

Now maybe next year I'll tell the kids that Superman hid the eggs.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Every where you go.

Well, I just closed another chapter in my life. It was a small chapter, actually a sub chapter really. Maybe even a footnote. But an interesting one none the less. And I must warn you. I think that I may be about to wax poetical or something like that. Not to be confused with political. Heavens no. Sorry, folks. I just don't know enough about politics to write political poems. But sometimes I do feel something, and so I do write poems. But I won't. Don't worry. I have not been afflicted with the J.R.R. Tolkein need to stick random (some would say bad) poems in my writing...yet.

The cat had lunch upon the fence.
a feline meal of meat and fish.
Its metal goblet filled with dairy.
To dine a feast with no companions hairy.

Ok, ok. So I threw in a completely random poem. But I promise that I will get to the point o this blog.

I finished up the play and now I have time to write, or do something else. But being a college student in a play can be a lonely thing. Especially when you have a family. All the cast members had numberless concourses of roommates, and friends from the area who came to visit and then after the show they all went out and talked about the show or whatever else they wanted. That's a level of interaction that a married individual misses out on. No matter what I do, I will never be a part of the cast as they are.

But on the other hand. They don't get to go home to a wonderful family. So, I guess I come out on top after all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Eat this Mr. Fettuccini!

Well, I have made a most disturbing discovery. As of late, my blog titles have been more than appropriate for my blogs. I have actually been tying them in so that they make sense. In fact some of them have almost been good title. Well, no more of that. I can't have a blog called "Bad at titles" (which may be the best title I have ever made up) if I start using good titles. So, it's over!

Now on to something completely different.

I saw a book recently on relationships. The title was (actually I guess it still is) "Strangling your husband is not an option." or something close to that. And you know what? I can't begin to verbalize how this frustrates me. So I'll write it down. (actually, I should have used the word vocalize because I guess I am verbalizing it.)

Anyway. I guess what ticks me the wrong way most is this. That's a terrible title (although it is true. Not only is strangling illegal, it would not at all be conducive to a continuing relationship for what I hope are obvious reasons.) Because it reflects the current popular view of husbands, fathers, and men in general.

The popular culture's view of men is as follows: (that's air force talk) Men are either stupid, insensitive, lazy, layabout, and more of a burden than a boon in a relationship, or they are Stupid, insensitive, work-aholics who don't contribute emotionally to a functional healthy relationship. The mother/wife figure does everything, and men can go sink themselves on the good ship Lollypop if they want because no one would really know or care if they were gone. Men are a trial not a functioning or necessary part of society.

There is no middle ground. Look around you. Are men really like that? Do we drag you women down to hell and back with no logical reason? Are we a necessary evil? Because if that's the case then I say Screw all the effort that I put into trying to be a good husband, father, employee, and contributing member of society. It looks a lot easier to avoid responsibilities and family pressure.

Well, now that that's out there, I hope someone will respond.

And I also need to say this. I guess women have had the rough spot in popular culture for a while, so maybe it's mens' turn.

Here's to all the real men who are actually trying to make a difference in the world and their families.

And Here's to my oldest brother who is one of those men. He leads the way for the good guys. Happy birthday Bro!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...

That's Amore! Yeah! I tell you what. Yeah! But man, what about when there's a Lunar eclipse? Is that Amore still there? Does it just disappear? Are you suddenly loveless, or is there uh more eh?

Oh, man. I can't believe I just came up with that. And all because I was thinking about my relationship with theatre. I mean, I love it. The moon hit my eye, and I fell in love with theatre and movies and scriptwriting (actually any writing), and I'm in love. But every once in a while there seems to be a lunar eclips in the theatre area of my life. It usually happens in the middle of a rehearsal process. I'm in a play right now and we've been rehearsing for three weeks, and we've got three more 'til the show opens. And I have no time to do anything else (like writing). And spending time with my family gets more and more difficult.

But It happens every time. I guess that's what lets me know that this is a real job. Like any other job, it's hard work. But I love it, and when the play is over I will miss all of the time that I had spent with my new friends, and I'll miss the endless rehearsals...well maybe not them, but I'll miss it all so much that I'll try out for another play. I guess it's like having a kid. There's gotta be some reason to do it all again.

But I think I'll wait a while to act in another play. I've been putting off my family, and too many writing projects, and maybe a video game too.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well, it's done.

I auditioned. Well, it was actually a screening audition, but the process was similar. If I don't hear back from them by march 7 then I didn't make it. Simple, but sweet.

I ended up having to cut down my second monologue in order to fit within three minutes, but I think it worked. I felt good about the audition, but I know that my competition is tough. I've seen them perform. But I take consolation in the fact that last night I had a dream....again.

In this dream I got a call from the guy holding the auditions. He said I made it and congratulated me on a job well done. It was very disconcerting to wake up and realize that it was, in fact, a dream.

But now I know the feeling of success...even if only in my dreams.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

When in doubt...

I guess you are all wondering why I asked you here today. Well, I have two important items of business. And immediately following all of the extraneous text that I am currently spewing forth onto the computer screen I will tell you what those two very important items of business are.

First, as you may have noticed. I got a picture up there in the right hand corner of this page. Well, it's actually not quite in the corner. If this were a stage it would be up-left stage, but not quite all the way up or left. So, you see it? Good. Now, I am well pleased with this photographic record of my incredibly good looks for all generations to know. It is reminiscent of my older brothers, my father, and...well...myself. This beauty of a picture was taken at the same time as this picture and I must say that I can now, without hesitation (but with much ado), recommend this person as a photographer.

The reason that I got the pictures in the first place was to create a professional looking photo for my photo resume that I need to take part in the audition which I mentioned in my previous blog.

Now, on to the second extremely important item of business. I just saw a production of Shakespeare's play The Tempest. It was presented by the Utah Valley State College theatre program. They did an excellent job. I have to say, when I first saw the tempest I thought it was trite, silly, and that the two love interests fell in love way too quickly for my belief (The fact that they thought they were the only two available people on their little island seemed far too great a reason in their desire for union.) . But this time, even though the love story was still unbelievably quick, I loved it. The staging and direction was amazing. But the performance style was the most interesting of all.

Four actors, the readers, stood at the corners of the stage and read all of the parts while the actors on stage acted out the parts. For a few voices they had two people speak at once leading to a very otherworldly effect that I didn't think possible in live theatre. It may sound weird, but I assure you that It was amazing and if you ever have a chance to see Shakespeare directed by Christopher Clark I would.

Now, since I seem to have forgotten an items of actual importance, I'll let you go.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I am pretty much scared witless. I just got an e-mail that there are auditions for the Utah Shakespearian Festival. Well, actually they're auditions for auditions. But I'm gonna do it. I need a resume, and a head shot by this Friday. That's the easy part. The hard part is this. I don't have any Shakespeare monologues memorized. Ha ha. It's funny, because I didn't even know about this and I had the actors nightmare about it. Really.

You've heard about the actor's nightmare. You're on stage and you don't know any of your lines. Well, that's what happened. I was on stage for a Shakespeare thing in my dream and I did well, but then I realized that I had two more monologues to memorize but I didn't have any idea what to say. Really, I had this dream. And then, the next day I found out about these auditions.

Well, I wasn't planning on auditioning, but since I already had the terror that is the actor's nightmare for it I might as well finish the rest of it. Now I need to go practice saying, "To be or not to be..." without looking like a fool. Oh, yeah, and if you have any ideas for monologues, please let me know.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

New posts are fun.

The title to this post, as you english majors may note, is a full and complete sentence. I can even break it down.

Noun = Posts
Adjective = New
Verb = are

And what is fun? Fun is a direct object. That's right, Fun. I don't care what you say, it is. Or maybe it's a subject compliment. In that case are would be a linking verb and ....Oh man. Now I remeber why I never liked English in school. For that matter, I didn't like German either and for the same reason. Man, that grammar stuff is killer.

By the by, I was wondering the other day. No, really I was.

So about grammar, I just realized last night that I don't really know what an adjective is. In my writing group we tried to describe people without using adjectives. (Speaking of my writing group, I just made a website that puts up a little bit of my work. I can't let you see theirs though, because they don't want it up for everyone to see so you need a password.) I couldn't believe how difficult it was to write a description sans adjective.

For example, if you say, "His hair burst from his head full of fire." Well, I guess that works, but ,"The monitor glowed ominously." Dang, that's fine too. I mean it has an adverb, but no adjectives. How about, "The blood red blood pumped through her veins like a bloody mass of nutrients and oxygen carrying oxygen and nutrients to the various parts of her body that needed nutrients and oxygen." Now that's just silly and redundant. Not to mention reduntant too.

So, that's all for today. I hope you learned a little something (Little is an adjective) from my grammar lesson. As for me, I've got to go look up some more grammar sites so that I don't tell anyone else something you or like that one guy who...I guess I should stop now.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Well Duh...

You know, one thing that really turns people off reading your blog? Really long posts. Yeah, long posts like my last one. It was really long. And there weren't even any pictures. Heck, I didn't even read it. But I left it up there because I wanted those people who I tagged to be able to see why they were tagged because I made this link instead of this one. Can you imagine the frustration slash confusion (yeah, i just wrote out the word slash) of the poor soul who came to my site and didn't see anything about tagging? Well, to all of them, I am sorry but I can't leave that old LONG blog up anymore. I just have too much to do to leave my blog in such a bad state.

And that may sound contradictory...well it is.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Let's talk about me

Have you ever heard that country song? Strange thing about it, My wife introduced it to me (though I can't remember if it was when she was my wife, girlfriend, fiancee, "just friend", or fiancee the second time). When she did, it was quite enthusiastic. She would even randomly start singing it to me every once in a while. So, you know (this is quite an inapropriate colloquialism since you obviously don't know and I am not referring to anything) , I just kind of assumed that she liked it. I am not a particularly huge fan of country music, but I'll listen and sometimes I like it. But whenever I heard that song I would turn it up and let it play especially if my wife was around.

Here's the funny part. After four years of marriage we were driving somewhere and the song came on. I turned up the radio and began to grit my teeth when she promptly reached over and changed the station. "I really don't like that song." She said. "Well", says I (not to her, but right now), "I guess I've just been taught a lesson about assuming things. And about how people change."


Now to the main purpose of this blogh. (I am in a class called the history of languages, so I'm learning about grimm's law and the consonant shift in language history. (e.g. p>pf, t>th, g>gh, etc.) I just thought I'd try it out and see if the language is still shifting. Let me know if it works.)

I was tagged. You can see it in the comments of my last blog. And here are the rules.

"According to the rules... Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You". People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"

Well, Since the beginning of my tag playing days, (and I've playded some tag in my days let me tell you) I have never played a game of tag that makes you tag a billion people when you're it. It goes more like this.

Person 1 tagging person 2, "Tag, you're it"
Person 2 tagging person 1 or 3, "Tag, you're it"
And so forth.

As you can very well see, there is no tagging of multiple people. When you tag one person you are no longer "IT" so your ability to tag is revoked. So, strictly speaking this blog represents a continuation of a chain letter more than a game of tag per se. And this brings me to weird thing about me point 1 and 2.

1. I hate chain letters. Really, I do. I usually just erase them before I am tempted to write back derogatory messages about how much I hate letters that say "Please forward this to everyone you know or you will get boils on your nose."

2. I have the hardest time writing wierd. See, I just did it again. I type and wierd comes out of my fingers. It's wierd...weird. Not wierd. I just can't seem to spell it right without a spell check or numerous trips to the dictionary. The first trip just to see how it is spelled, and the rest of them just to make sure I read right.

3. I have a burning desire to create a masterpiece. Now, this may not sound wierd, but here we go. When you go and see a good movie or watch a particularly moving actor on stage you probably feel all warm and good inside. If the feeling is good enough you probably start to tear up a little. Well I do all the same things, but I thing, "I could be doing that...sniff...I want to be a part of making something this good...sniff, sniff." Ditto for books, music, or art of any kind.

4. You can't have my attention and let me be in the same room as a working television set. It doesn't matter what is on, I'm watching. Video games, books, or books on tape are worse. Wo unto those who disturb me in the middle of a book.

5. I have hobbit hairs on my feet. It's true. What makes it worse is that my youngest son likes to stand on my feet and so I yell, "OWW. You're pulling my hobbit hairs!" Unfortunately, he thinks it's great fun. Now I just wear socks all the time.

6. Actually, that's it. There are only five weird things about me. Isn't that strange.

So, as for tagging people. I will make an exception this time. I'll tag three people (this may be because I only know three people who blog, or I might be flaunting the rules like heather. You decide.)

I hereby tag kickenchica, Jonathan, Jamie, Oh, and Scud. I guess I'll throw that last one in for good measure. One of the others might say I missed, or I only got their shirt or some other lame excuse for not being tagged. (Those people always convinced me that I was still it for some reason.)

So now, I am not it. The power bequeathed unto me through taggage (look at that grammer. any consonant surrounded by two short vowels should be doubled so tag becomes taggage isn't that great?) has now left me. I am powerless once again.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

You know, I don't even know what is. But I saw it on my dashboard page, and I needed a title so here we go...

If Mysite is what it sounds like, then it could be cool. Everybody with their own little website...wait that sounds like the current fad anyway. I'll probably have a website someday, but for now I'm content with my blog. Really, what would I do with a site anyway? I'd blog on it.

But if I did have a site, I think I'd go ahead and post all of my short stories and writing excercises. I am starting to get quite a collection. Nothing more than a few pages, and most of them have no ending, but it'd be fun to get peoples opinions...hey, maybe I'll check out Mysite.

Ha, no! If only you knew why that was so funny. But you don't, because it's kind of an inside joke, you know. Inside jokes are the tools that people use to feel included and make others feel excluded. Actually I don't think that people really use inside jokes to make others feel excluded, it just happens because they tell the joke, and everyone laughs. Everyone except little Timmy. Because he's not part of the group. But someone notices and either says, "You had to be there," or "This is what they're talking about." Either way it's not funny to him. So he feels bad and left out and doesn't come back to play. That's why inside jokes are bad. And that's why I don't hang out with.....never mind.

I guess I had better let you in on it then huh? I'll probably never create a website with a site called Mysite (if that's even what they do.) because my brother has a webhosting business, Blue Sun Hosting, and I can easily create a site through him.

See, it wasn't funny.

And I guess I was a little harsh on inside jokes. They can be a good way of bringing a group together. In fact, any group that forms bonds has "inside" jokes. They're just bad when used to exclude. So I hope that you all feel welcome here at my blog. I would hate to alienate all of you...and by that I mean "all one of you"...and by that I mean me.

Good bye me. I'll talk to you later.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

My guess is that quite a few blogs posted today will have the exact same title. It is after all a new year. And that's what we say to each other when the new year rolls around. I feel a little like Gandalf in the hobbit when he says, "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" Except I would replace "good" with "happy", and "morning" with "New year"

Actually I don't really feel like that. I have just always liked that quote, and I wanted to astound you with my vast literary knowledge....I think I may have failed.

But what about "Call me Ishmael." Huh? Moby Dick....What? still not impressed? how about something like this "The". There you go. I have just quoted nearly every book ever written. I am fairly confident that I could say every book ever written (as long as they were translated) but there might be some book somewhere that doesn't use that particlar word. Maybe.

On other news, I would like to wish you all a Nappy New Year. I meant to type Happy New Year, but when I saw that I had written Nappy instead of Happy it just looked so nice and comforting. You know, since it's new year's day and all, and I stayed up half of the night playing games like Killer Bunnies, Settlers of Cataan, and boxing on Wii sports. So there you have it.

Nappy New Year!

You know. Becas...e Nap sound good right..........